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Assessment of verruca(e) and treatment with the use of liquid nitrogen.

15 min
34 British pounds
Station Street

Service Description

Verrccae are caused by a viral infection which can affect the feet resulting in painful, thickened callused areas. In some people the body can overcome these and heal them quickly, but in others they can last a long time. Your Podiatrist will assess the verrucae and if suitable the callus will be reduced and liquid nitrogen will be used to freeze the tissue. This stimulates the body's natural defences to combat the virus responsible for the verruca. Several treatments are often required to bring about healing.

Cancellation Policy

You agree to cancel your appointment if you no longer need it. You understand that the full appointment fee will be payable if the appointment is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.

Contact Details

  • 155 Station Street, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire DE14 1BG, UK


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